Supporting Your Student

  • Monitoring Student Progress

    Student course and assignment grades can be found on PowerSchool. Parents can access this information with their PowerSchool parent account. Accounts can be accessed using the email address provided at student registration. If you are having difficulty with your account, please contact the school registrar to ensure we have accurate contact information for your account. 

    Parent Teacher Conferences

    Traditionally, parent teacher conferences are scheduled around midterms Block 2 (November) and Block 4 (March). We encourage all parents to attend these events. Conferences provide an opportunity for families to meet teachers/staff, collaborate on student concerns, and share student successes. Food is provided.

    Preparing for After High School

    We encourage you to explore Next Steps Idaho with your student. Next Steps Idaho provides a large collection of resources and information about career clusters, scholarships, college planning, and financial aid.


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