Contact Information


Media Center

  • Using the Library:

    Students may visit the library to work on projects, read, or check out books.

    During the day, students can stop by the library and check out a lunch pass.  Students need to watch for the sign that indicates whether the library is open for lunch on that day.

    Students are expected to be respectful to others using the library and the library itself.  Disruptive students will be sent back to class.

    Borrowing Books:

    Students may check out 3 books at a time. Books may be borrowed for a period of up to 20 days.

    Students may use Destiny or Overdrive-Sora to check out audiobooks or e-books.

    Overdue materials:
    Students are responsible for all borrowed materials. The library will email you overdue reminders and your advisory teacher will receive a notice as well.

    Returning Books
    When returning your library books, please scan the Eagle Rock barcode on the back of the book (make sure it shows on the screen of the computer!) and place the book on the book cart.

    Check out process:
    Students should take their books to the librarian at the circulation desk where they will be checked out. The date due card will be stamped noting when to return the materials.

    For audiobooks or e-book materials, students should follow the checkout process established on each of the platforms (Destiny, Overdrive-Sora). Due dates are communicated at the time of checkout.


    Makerspaces provide hands-on, creative ways to encourage students to design, experiment, build and invent as they deeply engage in science, engineering and tinkering.

    Our library is starting a makerspace!  Come and check it out!