About Us

  • Our Vision: Empowering Leaders for Today and Tomorrow!

    Our Mission

    At Theresa Bunker Elementary, we believe that all students can learn and lead.  We have high standards of learning that all students are expected to achieve.  Our mission is accomplished in a safe, inclusive environment in which learning is paramount.  Our shared educational purpose of common knowledge, common language, and common expectations are the keys to our academic success.  At Theresa Bunker, each teacher asks the following guiding questions as they collaboratively plan all instruction:

    1. What is it we want all students to learn?
    2. How will we know when they know it?
    3. What will we do if they don't learn?
    4. What will we do when they already know it?

    Our Parent Involvement Policy

    The faculty and staff at Theresa Bunker Elementary feel that a key component to a child’s education is having a strong link between parents and the school. Based on this philosophy, we have created the following Parental Involvement Policy to clarify the school and parent’s opportunities and responsibilities, in an effort to strengthen the link between school and home.

    An annual back to school night will be held at the beginning of each school year, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children will be invited and encouraged to attend. This policy will also be discussed at parent-teacher conferences held throughout the year on an individualized basis. Ongoing information will be provided to parents (in a language other than English if needed) regarding educational programs and resources being offered in the school and district. This information will include a description and explanation of: the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. Materials and training will be provided, where needed, to help parents work with their child to improve achievement. Concerned parents may contact the teachers or administration to set up meetings regarding their student’s education on an as-needed basis.

    We are committed to providing a high quality curriculum and instruction that enables students to meet the Common Core State Standards for academic achievement. To facilitate this philosophy, a school-parent compact has been developed that outlines how parents, the school, and students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement. The compact will be discussed, reviewed, and modified at a yearly compact meeting.

    The faculty and staff at Theresa Bunker Elementary feel that communication between parents, teachers, and administration is critical to a child’s educational success. This communication will be fostered through parent-teacher conferences to be held at least twice a year, frequent progress reports, monthly newsletters, and e-mail communication. Parents are invited to make appointments to participate or observe in their child’s classroom. The PTO is organized as a link between the community and school to assist in organizing parental involvement and supporting educational programs in the school. Accommodations may be provided to ensure that all parents have the opportunity to become involved in the programs outlined in this policy.