
  • Few factors have a greater influence on school success than regular attendance. Regular attendance means that students should be in school, on time every day except for sickness or other emergency situations.

    Any Absence – Please notify the school  at 208-525-7660 by 8:10 A.M. (9:10 Monday) on the day your child is absent. This helps us confirm that each child is accounted for.

    Excused absence:  An excused absence is one that the parent/legal guardian knew of, approved, and cleared with the attendance office. Students should not have more than five (5) excused absences in a trimester with the following exceptions:

    • Death in the family
    • School-sponsored activities
    • Major or chronic illness/medical condition verified by state licensed medical practitioner.

    Excessive Absence or Tardiness – If a pattern of absenteeism develops, the teacher will contact the parent/guardians to determine needs. The teacher will notify the principal concerning the absences and/or tardiness.

    NOTE: Our intent is to solve attendance problems quickly so that the children will not fall behind and become discouraged.