About Us

  • Welcome to Longfellow Elementary! This has been a special place to learn ever since 1957.  Our superb faculty continues to keep us at a top-tier level, which is backed up by our Four (4) Star Rating. It would be my pleasure to delve into that topic, to describe the scope of the work of our faculty, but an educator's job today is so enormous, multifaceted and complex that I could not hope to describe their work here. So, let me note a few things that stand out and make Longfellow special. 

    1. Longfellow parents are action-oriented. Parents volunteer here so frequently we can barely keep visitor badges in stock. And...we love it!
    2. Longfellow students are service-oriented. They get really motivated to help those in need, like helping get shoes and boots for kids at Christmas.  We donate to the local animal shelters and we also help provide Thanksgiving dinner for those in need.
    3. Longfellow students are kind and compassionate. We have very low numbers of discipline referrals. We are always looking for ways to improve student behavior and to recognize and reward our exemplary students.
    4. Patriotism is important to all of us here at Longfellow. This goes beyond saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. It includes activities like writing letters to servicemen, and holding special Veteran's Day assemblies. 
    5. We love art! Our PTO supports a dynamic FAME program that supplements classroom arts activities. 
    6. We love to read! Our elementary school library is stocked full of books, around 20,000 titles and counting, so that every child can always find the right book for them. 

    To ensure that your children are eventually college and career ready, we must first make sure they are ready for Middle School. To that end we are helping them learn the knowledge, 21st century skills and character attributes they will need to be successful. And, we are having a lot of fun along the way!