
  • Good attendance at school is an extremely important aspect of each student’s education and has many carry-over implications for success later in life.  It is important that students be in attendance at school and, that they are on time.  Habits and attitudes developed now will usually carry over into adult life

    ANY ABSENCE - Please notify the school (208-524-7890) before 9:00 A.M. on the day your child is absent. This helps us confirm that each child is accounted for.

    If parents find it necessary to take students out of school for a period of time, a written request for the absence should be submitted to the teacher in advance, thus giving the student an excused absence.  When a student arrives to school after the tardy bell (8:00AM Mondays-Thursdays), the tardy is recorded on the student’s permanent record.

    Parents requesting homework for absent students who have been ill need to allow teachers time to gather the homework during non-instructional portions of the day. Generally, such requested homework may be picked up in the office by around 2:30 that day.

    EXCESSIVE ABSENCE or TARDINESS - If a pattern of absenteeism develops, the teacher will contact the parent/guardians to determine needs. The teacher will notify the principal concerning the absences and/or tardiness.

    PRINCIPAL INTERVENTION - After the teacher has made a contact with the parents/guardians concerning excessive absences and/or tardiness, if necessary, the principal will then take steps to help in correcting any further problems. This assistance may include involvement of the school nurse or counselor, notifying the truant officer, or initiating a referral to the Department of Health and Welfare.

    Pursuant to Idaho Code 33-206 YOUR STUDENT MUST ATTEND SCHOOL. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure regular attendance. Please familiarize yourself with the District’s Attendance Policy which can be found on the District’s website

    NOTE: Our intent is to solve attendance problems quickly so that the children will not fall behind and become discouraged