School Wide Expectations

  • Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS)

    Dora Erickson Elementary School has implemented PBIS ideas and strategies to help develop a culture that embodies our four core values: 

    • Be Safe
    • Be Respectful
    • Be Responsible 
    • Be a Leader 

    During the first weeks of school, teachers spend a significant amount of time teaching students PBIS ideas and working to establish goals and expectations for the school year.   

    A behavior matrix outlines the expected behaviors in each area of the school. School faculty and staff use a consistent behavior management system to help students redirect their behavior when needed. The system that is used is based on four main colors: blue, green, yellow, and red. Each color has specific verbiage that goes with it so the faculty and staff use the same language when addressing negative or inappropriate behaviors. Blue is "Leader," Green is "On Target,"  Yellow is "Pause and Think," and Red is "Stop and Change" 


    Students that move to blue throughout the week will start to be given Leader Tickets. With these tickets, students will be rewarded with small incentives.