• School Closure Guidelines

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    In Idaho Falls School District 91, our students' safety is our first priority. In the winter, it's not unusual for temperatures in eastern Idaho to dip well below zero, and reach as low as 20 below with the wind chill factor. Occasionally, these cold temperatures and other severe weather conditions make it necessary to close schools for the safety of our students.

    The Superintendent makes the decision to close school by 6:30 a.m. based on the best information available. The Superintendent considers early morning temperatures, the day’s forecasted temperatures, wind chill and other factors.

    Parents always have the right to decide what is best for their family and can keep their children home if they believe the weather is too severe for them to attend school. Children who stay home will need a note from a parent or guardian excusing their absence and the absence will be counted as a verified absence.

    The following guidelines give staff and parents information about what to expect about school closures. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us.

    Early Release or Closures For Bad Weather:

    • Closures for cold weather are determined by air temperature and/or wind chill projections for the day.
    • When city streets are passable, closures may be limited to rural bus routes. Know what bus zone you reside in so you'll know whether you're affected by road closures.
    • On rare occasions, students riding rural bus routes may be released from school early due to the onset of a severe blizzard. On such occasions, rural bus students will be sent home on the bus.
    • Elementary school students will board a bus only after a parent/guardian has been contacted and confirmed that someone will be home or that the student can gain access to their house.
    • Secondary students will be permitted to return home by bus or via their own transportation without a parent/guardian being home, as long as the student can gain access to their home.
    • All other students will remain at school and be released at the close of school or to parents.

    Closures for mechanical failures such as heating systems, buses, power outages:

    • These closures are generally limited to schools affected by a specific mechanical failure.

    Closure Announcements

    The district will use every means to let parents and staff know about school closures, including: text messages, announcements on local radio and TV stations, and the district website and hotline at (208) 525-7502.

    • Text messages (Make sure your contact information is updated in PowerSchool)
    • Announcements on local media, including East Idaho News, Channel 3, Channel 6, Channel 8 and radio stations
    • Alert on the D91Proud Facebook page
    • Alert on the district website at www.ifschools.org
    • School closure hotline at (208) 525-7502